Project Description
This video was created for our two clients, Heat Pump Nation and Franklin Energy. The project brief was to create an educational video for consumers who installed a heat pump in their home for their heating and cooling needs. Franklin Energy wanted to be pro-active in helping their customers understand how to operate a heat pump to its maximum potential.
As the creative agency hired to produce this video, we took the lead on the project to ensure it was on-time and on-budget. The client’s creative direction was to create a video that was informative and fun to watch. We worked with the client to write the script. All the artwork was created by the BDS team, in addition to developing the animation and music selection. It was an amazing project and we had a lot of fun creating it.
Skills Needed
This project included many disciplines to achieve the final product. Project management was vital as there are many parts to video creation. Writing the script, creating the artwork, developing the animation, selecting the music and coordinating the voice over are the main parts that had to executed in order and on time.
The project management also includes ongoing meetings with the client to ensure we were fulfilling their needs and creating the product they wanted. We got their approval on each step of the process.
Additional Project
Logo Design
Project Brief
One of our clients started a new enterprise to fill a need that many of his clients were experiencing in promoting heat pump technology to their customers. He needed a logo that would work across the nation as his clients are nationwide and would promote the technology, not manufacturers or distributors.